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OUR VISION :: A world where decisions are made based on accounting for value to address

  • Inequality | wellbeing | environment | climate Change
  • We want to see achievement of the 2030 Agenda – SDGs

OUR SOLUTION :: Accounting for value leading our transition – we need:

  • Showcasing examples from people who have been leading our solution (accounting for value), 
  • Discussions about: 
  • how we can all do more accounting for value
  • How we appealing to our Heads (technical methods etc.) and Heart (behaviours and decisions) 
  • Next 8 years is the transition period where we need to change a lot of things very quickly in order to achieve the SDGs by 2030
  • As part of this transition we need leadership (brave decision making) and also IMM practice (technical).  People that can do IMM and people that can enable better IMM .
  • Different decisions based on different data (definition of value)

LEADERSHIP :: SVM2021 launches a call to any leader to take part in the transition to a sustainable world 

  • It starts by acknowledging that any organization, any initiative impacts people and impacts the planet and that how we act matters. It is about applying a shared leadership paradigm that managing our own and joint impacts is part of the world’s sustainability.
  • Who are the leaders: not just CEO’s but actual leaders in the space – beyond leading organisations, new leaders, shared leadership concepts, etc.
  • What is the role of these leaders – how do they strategize for sustainability, how to lead change and transition.

⇒ LEADERSHIP In order to make this vision a reality, we need to combine leadership and decision making with the social value accounting profession and apply this in practice.

⇒ PARTNERSHIP SVM21 will equip attendees with the skills and knowledge to make this transition happen. We will bring together professionals from across all sectors (public/private/civil society/academic/impact investing) to learn from, co-create and develop better ways to account for value and lead our transition into a sustainable world. 

⇒ GOING MAINSTREAM With SVM2021, the social value movement is growing and our ideas have become mainstream.

It is essential that the SVM conferences provide opportunities to hear from leading experts from around the world. SVM Conferences also must include contributions from the SVI affiliated networks, and we encourage as many as possible to contribute, either in person or virtually. It is also as crucial that leading practitioners are also afforded the space to share their insights, challenge and be challenged by the audience.

Main Conference

Keynote speech

Accounting for value leading our transition to sustainable world


Successful accounting value in the21st century for competitive and sustaianable transformation

Impact Matching

Social Tool/Academic
Investment S.E./Service provider
Marketing/ Impact Procurement 

Abstract Presentation

Call for Abstract

“Leadership: key part of Transition to Sustainable Development”

21st Century is the era of transition, which acknowledgment of any organisation impacts people and the planet. This is how it matters. It is about applying a shared leadership paradigm that managing our own and joint impacts is part of the World’s Sustainability.


Introduction SROI 101
Introduction Impact Management Project
UNGC SDG Action Manager
The B Impact Assessment

Panel Discussion

Principles – Using the Social Value Act to lead the transition
People – Stakeholder Capitalism
Practice – Community Building to Best Practice
Power – Lead to better decision making for impact data

Exhibitions and showcases